K-CARE is our charitable giving fund that brings together our guests and K-BOB’S team members, focusing on our shared commitment to the communities across Lincoln County, New Mexico.

We believe we can do so much together. This includes things like meals for our dedicated volunteer forest firefighters, boot donations for the children of Ruidoso Downs grooms, sponsorships for local sports teams and clubs, and improved benefits for our hardworking staff. Below is a list of the vital community organizations we’ve supported in 2024.

To fund these contributions to our community, you’ll see an optional $0.59 contribution on each sales ticket, which is then matched by K-BOB’S. Why $0.59? This represents 59 years of K-BOB’S serving small agriculture-based communities across Texas and New Mexico. We’re proud to stand with our neighbors to make a positive impact, and we hope you feel the same.

Of course, your K-CARE contribution on your ticket is entirely optional. Please kindly let your server know if you would like it removed from your ticket.

Capitan High School Cheerleaders

Capitan Future Farmers of America

Capitan Parent Teacher Organization

Eastern New Mexico University

Grace Harvest Church

Humane Society of Lincoln County

Joseph Ben Morales Scholarship Fund

Lincoln County Sheriff’s Sffice

Lincoln County Junior Rodeo Club

Ruidoso Fire Department

Miss Mescalero Silent Auction

Region 9 Education Cooperative

Ruidoso Downs Community CleanUp

Ruidoso Downs Racetrack Chapel

2024 donations

Ruidoso Gymnastics Association

Ruidoso High School Quiz Bowl

Ruidoso Middle School

Ruidoso Parks & Recreation River Cleanup

Ruidoso Police Department

Ruidoso Rotary Club

Ruidoso Warriors Baseball, Basketball, football & Softball teams

Ruidoso Lady Warriors Softball & Volleyball teams

Sam Thompson Memorial Foundation

St. Francis de Paula Catholic Church in Tularosa

The Big Ben Sanchez Youth Foundation

Village of Ruidoso

US Forest service